Fire is hot
Kevin Reed Kevin Reed

Fire is hot

By Kevin Reed / We can branch out understanding from core truths, or burn our arms off in a bonfire.

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When did people get souls?
Kevin Reed Kevin Reed

When did people get souls?

By Kevin Reed / Do all life forms have souls? Or none? Or just people? If only people have souls, when did souls appear?

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Who needs a free press?
Kevin Reed Kevin Reed

Who needs a free press?

By Kevin Reed / The free press ranges on a spectrum from not-at-all free to extremely free, with a not-surprising parallel to quality of life within those countries.

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Religions 6 -10
Kevin Reed Kevin Reed

Religions 6 -10

By Kevin Reed / Most of us have heard of the “Five Great Religions” (whoever came up with that), but what are the next five?

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You beyond Pluto
Kevin Reed Kevin Reed

You beyond Pluto

by Kevin Reed / You can see what it looks like to float just beyond Pluto, looking back at Earth and the Sun.

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Moles: Pest or partner?
Kevin Reed Kevin Reed

Moles: Pest or partner?

by Kevin Reed - Moles hills are popping up in yards. Responses seem to range between shotguns and poison all the way to partnership.

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Exposed sprinklers
Kevin Reed Kevin Reed

Exposed sprinklers

By Kevin Reed / Wrightsville Beach, NC; 2021. A boat owner was walking around naked on a busy boat dock in a large marina brimming with millions of dollars of high-end watercraft, in full view of several restaurants and other businesses that surround the marina. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that led to broken sprinklers in a jail cell.

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